Booking and payments
Q: How to make a reservation?
A: There are 5 steps in our booking process
o Step1: Select a tour Or provide us with details of your travel plan and submit the information. We may send you again a message with specific questions to help us provide the best proposal
o Step2: Design an itinerary for you and prepare a quote. Check our proposal and feel free to amend the itinerary by changing cities, hotels or sites. You may ask as many questions as you like when tailoring your tour.
o Step3: Accept our proposal and complete the payment procedures for a deposit of 30 % of the total amount.
o Step 4: Upon receiving your deposit, we will immediately send you a tour voucher.
o Step 5: 10 Days before you arrival, you complete the payment of the 70 % remaining. Or you can complete the payment of the 70 % cash upon arrival to Tunisia.
Q: What method of payment do you accept?
A: We are now able to offer 3 methods of payment:
o Wire transfer
o Cash payment
o Credit card payment (Visa or MasterCard)
Q: What guarantee do we have if we send our money to your bank by wire transfer ?
A: Actually we understand your worries to book a tour online. Any worries are reasonable. We will inform you once we receive your payment by email or fax. Also we will fax you the receipt of your payment, but we know that is not enough.
In Tunisia every travel agent is imposed to deposit a certain amount of money to be a guarantee fund at the Tunisian National tourism Office(ONTT).We deposited TD 100.000( about USD60,000) at the account of the Tunisian National Tourism Administration as our quality guarantee fund in case of guest complaints. So we have to serve our guest as your itinerary states. Otherwise our fund would be deducted and refunded to you if the complaint meets any breaches of items of the tourist law .Please keep the receipt your bank gives you if you wire transfer of a deposit.
Cancelation terms:
For Multi-Days tour: Cancelation 15 days before arrival ---- no cancellation fees
Cancelation 14 days (or less) before the arrival day ---- 30% Charge as cancelation fees.
For the Private and the Group excursions: Cancelation with 48 hours ---No cancelation fees.
For airport transfers : Cancelation within 24 hours --- No cancelation fees.